Functional Safety Engineer - Electrified Systems

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Date: Mar 4, 2025

Location: Berlin, DE, 10587

Company: iavgmbh


Job-ID: T-TD Powertrain Systems -22025


Functional Safety Engineer - Electrified Systems



Professionals  —  Unlimited 




This challenge awaits you:

The market for electrified vehicles is growing. This is accompanied by an increasing number of variants, rising customer demands and fierce competition for innovations and customer functions that can be brought to market quickly. At the same time, the legal and normative requirements for products are increasing.

In the Future Powertrain division, we are therefore working together with our customers on standard-compliant solutions for the safety of users of future-oriented drive technologies. With our expertise in functional safety, we bring targeted and safe solutions to the road in a highly complex and volatile environment of electrified vehicle systems.

The error-free execution of functions is our core competence - we analyze the functions and derive measures for the corresponding safety of electrified vehicle systems.

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Your Tasks:

  • You create and collaborate on FuSi work products, e.g. safety analyses, safety concept, safety architecture, HW and SW development, V&V methods (Verification & Validation Methods)
  • You create and collaborate on item definition, DIA/RASIC and the planning of safety activities
  • You work on the tracking of safety activities
  • You evaluate delivery items in relation to the functional safety criteria
  • You work on and confirm releases or release recommendations in accordance with applicable release criteria and signature rules
  • You create and work on safety cases
  • You create and work on verification reviews and confirmation measures
  • You are responsible for coordination with other system safety engineering disciplines (e.g. SOTIF, road vehicle cybersecurity, machine safety)

Necessary Skills:

  • Completed MINT studies or in a comparable field of study
  • Experience from safety projects in the domain context
  • You are characterized by organizational and presentation skills
  • You have knowledge of review methods and safety analysis methods (e.g. HARA, FTA, FMEA, DFA, CCA)
  • You have knowledge of function and system development, HW and SW development, test and trial methods, requirements management, regulatory requirements and relevant product safety standards (e.g. ISO 26262, IEC 61508, IEC 62061, ISO 13849, ISO 25119, ISO 12100, ISO 21448, ISO 21434)

Desired Skills:

  • You are characterized by your communication skills, assertiveness, conscientiousness, ability to collaborate and ability to deal with conflict

Das spricht für uns:

Verantwortung übernehmen statt Rädchen im Getriebe sein. Bei IAV vertrauen wir dir step by step immer wichtigere Aufgaben an. Dank Fachmentor:innen bist du nicht allein und kannst so mit den Projekten wachsen. Du arbeitest mit den großen Namen der Mobilitäts- und Forschungswelt zusammen. Und qualifizierst dich gezielt weiter, z.B. durch inhouse Seminare oder auf Kongressen.

Uns sind Vielfalt und Chancengleichheit wichtig. Für uns zählt der Mensch mit seiner Persönlichkeit und seinen Stärken.

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