Internship / working student / final thesis - Tool development for automotive online services

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Date: Mar 12, 2025

Location: Gifhorn, DE, 38518

Company: iavgmbh


Job-ID: T-TT Software System & Connectivity -22495


Internship / working student / final thesis - Tool development for automotive online services



Students   —  Thesis; Internship; Working Student 




This challenge awaits you:

The digitalisation and networking of vehicles is progressing. Online services in particular, which are offered to users around the car, are becoming increasingly diverse. The increased diversity also increases the effort required to secure them. New software variants have to be constantly tested while securing online services. Repetitive tasks can be better performed by software tools than by employees. The tools to be developed are intended to support the work of colleagues. 
We currently want to develop a trace analysis tool that can be used for various vehicle platforms. Our tool should be able to record and automatically analyse trace data offline as well as live trace data in the vehicle. The intermediate results developed are to be checked on test racks and in the vehicle. In addition to this idea, there are other ideas that we would be happy to discuss. If that sounds interesting, we're looking for you:
Based on this idea, we are looking for you as active support! As part of an internship, you can demonstrate your talent in the field of software development. As a number of smaller and larger projects are planned, final theses and working student activities are also conceivable. We will find out the most suitable setup in a personal interview.

Your Tasks:

  • You familiarise yourself with the existing rough concepts and refine them
  • You record the requirements of the individual stakeholders
  • You develop the trace analysis tool or another tool in Python
  • You test the interim results developed on test racks and in vehicles
  • You regularly liaise with the stakeholders

Necessary Skills:

  • Ongoing studies in computer science or a comparable field of study
  • Good programming skills in Python
  • Good written and spoken German and English skills (at least B2 level)

Desired Skills:

  • Independent and structured way of working
  • Enjoy working in an agile enviro

The remuneration is based on our collective agreement on general working conditions and pay. Currently, the hourly wage for this position is 17.52 EUR. The internship and the thesis is compensated with a monthly salary of 979 EUR.

Das spricht für uns:

Als Student:in arbeitest du bei IAV nicht irgendwo, sondern mittendrin. In echten Projekten. An spannenden Zukunftsaufgaben. Voll integriert und im Schulterschluss mit IAV-Expert:innen. Viel Verantwortung und gleichzeitig viel Freiraum, um Uni und Arbeit zusammen zu bringen: So entstehen beste Perspektiven für deine berufliche Entwicklung. Bei attraktiver Vergütung nach unserem Haustarifvertrag.

Uns sind Vielfalt und Chancengleichheit wichtig. Für uns zählt der Mensch mit seiner Persönlichkeit und seinen Stärken.

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